Working in Godot with SQLite and C#

Here are the steps I took to get SQLite to work in a C# project. 1. Create a new project. 2. Add a plain Node. 3. Rename the node to “Database” and save the scene as Database.tscn. 4. Right click…

PostgREST with Svelte and Sapper

In this post I’ll assemble some libraries to form a simple web framework prototype with Svelte as the frontend for a PostgREST API backend. Here’s a quick overview of the tech we’ll use in this tutorial: PostgREST is a server…

C# Crash Course

An overview of the C# language with some code examples. Intended for those new to C# but with some previous exposure to programming. Variables A variable is a container for information. Variables in C# have a type like int or…

How I learned the Godot C# API

The vast majority of tutorial code for Godot is in GDScript. There just aren’t many C#-specific resources on the web (that I’m aware of). Yet the more I work with Godot, the more I’ve found that GDScript and C# have…

Procyon Changelog

20200727 [X] Improvements to save system. NPC and Item positions are now tracked in saved games in the db. 20200724 [X] Implemented basic game save. All player / npc / item data can now be saved on demand. Continuing to…

Running WordPress on SQL Server

What if I tried to install WordPress on SQL Server instead of MySQL? I mean, what’s the worst that could happen? How else am I going to blow a Sunday afternoon? I was curious. What was it actually like? Wait,…

How to Install WordPress on a DigitalOcean VPS

In this guide I’ll cover what I feel is the best current option for installing WordPress on a DigitalOcean VPS. DigitalOcean has been my preferred web hosting platform for a few years. I’ve set up a handful of servers there,…